Whispers of 404 CTF

Hosted by Zap1555 Website: http://ec2-13-54-203-209.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com
Duration: 1 day, 0:00:00
Time until competition:

Whispers of 404 CTF: The Cybersecurity & Ethical Hacking Club of SAC at KL University invites you to a beginner-friendly CTF bootcamp during the 404: Page Not Found (Access Denied 2.0) hackathon! Whether you're curious about cybersecurity or have dabbled a bit, this is the perfect opportunity to dive in. Tackle individual challenges covering various cybersecurity basics, from web exploitation to cryptography. Learn new skills, test your problem-solving abilities, and experience the thrill of capturing the flag. No prior experience is necessary – just bring your enthusiasm!

  • Type
  • Status
    Not yet started