Hack For Troops - Piratica
Hosted by
Duration: 1 day, 0:00:00
The competition is over!
Please see our timeline here: https://i.imgur.com/nPIJnRi.png . We'll be starting at 12:01AM Eastern Standard Time, Saturday November 14, 2020. For those relatively new to doing CTFs and are interested in learning more about infosec we'll be running a guided track with live-streamed tutoring where the player begins with completing command-line operations, trivia, and tool setup related challenges. Ultimately, by the end of the day each new or beginner player will versed to launch network attacks in our large and closed CTF network using the Metasploit Framework. For the OGs and those who can pass a series of pre-qualification challenges we will be offering a conceptual scenario-based CTF with a fictional story-line that will be challenging to complete in the time constraints. The full spectrum of information security skills will be covered and well-balanced teams or talented individuals will likely succeed in completing the CTF during the time constraints. If you have any questions feel free to drop by our Discord at https://discord.gg/NPGfUrSfsp
StatusIn Progress