
United States

chainsaw10 has participated in 1 CTF and is rank 72 with 450 points

Former Teams
  • CSAW CTF Finals
  • 100 Points
  • REV

We understand the not everyone can afford IDA. Instead of IDC, check out this alternative, free-as-in-freedom scripting language :)

  • CSAW CTF Finals
  • 200 Points
  • PWN

WASM is the future of the web! JS devs will be writting c++, what could go wrong?. <a href="">This debugger might help kinda _shrug emoji_</a> Written by itszn, Ret2 Systems <a href="" target="_blank"></a> HINT: You can get source via / and /test.cpp

  • CSAW CTF Finals
  • 150 Points
  • ETC

A lone figure appears at sundown. Are you a bad enough dude to accept his challenge? NOTE: This is not a resource exhaustion bug, pls be kind to our server - perhaps run it locally first.

chainsaw10 has not written any writeups