ItalyLa Sapienza University of Rome
chqmatteo has participated in 1 CTF and is rank 37 with 750 points
- CSAW CTF Finals
- 500 Points
When ever a new ECMAScript version is released browsers rush to implement the features first. Looks like *someone* has implemented the new ES1337 replaceIf function for Chrome, but did they make any mistakes along the way? To help you along this journey we have built both Chrome and V8 for you. See the README.txt for more detailed information! Additional Files: * `ES1337.tar.gz`: (87M) Includes release chrome build, README, spec, patch, POW solver https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V9liO6e4QGzPTwpBsEVCNtC5hayPnrx8/view?usp=sharing * `v8_7.0.276.32_csaw.debug.tar.gz`: (711M) Full debug build of V8 with the patch https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W46Hn0HyWtIMosDNkqt5ixEJUyClacUu/view?usp=sharing Written by itszn, Ret2 Systems Non-NY competitors connect to: `nc 2.chal.csaw.io 1337`