
United States

ubuntor has participated in 1 CTF and is rank 3 with 2200 points

Former Teams
  • CSAW CTF Finals
  • 400 Points
  • CRY

Good Luck, k? Author: Paul Kehrer, Trail of Bits. <a href="http://crypto.chal.csaw.io:1000" target="_blank">http://crypto.chal.csaw.io:1000</a> Update: Please message us (@tnek or @_ghost_) on IRC if you have a solver for this challenge that works locally but doesn't work remotely.

  • CSAW CTF Finals
  • 250 Points
  • REV

This code is a mess can you fix it?

  • CSAW CTF Finals
  • 300 Points
  • REV

We must journey deep into the core of the world if we hope to find any meaning here Written by itszn, Ret2 Systems

  • CSAW CTF Finals
  • 500 Points
  • CRY

I'm losing my mind, are you? `nc crypto.chal.csaw.io 1003`

  • CSAW CTF Finals
  • 50 Points
  • CRY

What does it look like? `nc crypto.chal.csaw.io 1001`

  • CSAW CTF Finals
  • 100 Points
  • V35

PwnAdventure Sourcery is here! Chrome is HIGHLY recommended. All challenges are intended to be solved in-game. <a href="https://sourcery.pwnadventure.com"/>https://sourcery.pwnadventure.com</a> Hotkeys: `WASD` : Navigate `<Space>` : Use Item/Select `E`/`Return`: Interact `I`/`<Tab>` : Inventory `<Escape>` : Pause/Menu/Cancel (Editor) `E` : Edit `N` : New `<Backspace>` Delete

  • CSAW CTF Finals
  • 600 Points
  • CRY

``` yeah i SMOKE WEED P P E M A PA AOM UC BNRP maps.Secondlife.com/secondlife/_______/23/233/1 M E PRONE O PRR GM K EIY EO E AC U RO S W T S E E E D ```

ubuntor has not written any writeups